Crimes Against Jewish persons by Jewish National Socialists persons

Excerpt from book “The Jubilee Murders – Originators and Methods of Mass Murders“.

In 1931, the Jewish British newspaper publisher Lord William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook wrote that many anti-Semites were of Jewish race. He wrote about a conversation with Alfred Rosenberg, chief-ideologist of NSDAP: “He is a decisive anti-Semit, and like many other opponents of Jews, he wears their racial characteristics on his face.“ [1]

According to Hannah Arendt, the “Hitler movement” was used “[…] by Jews […] as a means of preserving Judaism […] by the stupid and dangerous saying of the return of the’ Dark Ages'[…]. Everyone knows that the emergence and growth of modern anti-Semitism coincides with the process of Jewish assimilation, secularization and the extinction of the old religious and spiritual contents of Judaism. Looking at this process from a Jewish point of view, it means that large parts of the people were threatened with their existence by internal disintegration and external dissolution in the environment. In this situation, those who were concerned about this process came up against the strange idea that it might be possible to use hatred of the Jews for the purpose of conserving the people, as it were, by force. The more’ eternal’ anti-Semitism is, the more certain the’ eternal’ existence of the Jewish people. Behind this superstition was also a very real historical experience, however much he himself is a travesty of the religious idea of the elect of the people. Christian hatred of the Jews had indeed been an extremely effective political and spiritual means of preserving Judaism. The Jews were able to confuse modern anti-Christian racial anti-Semitism with medieval hatred of the Jews, partly because, despite all their assimilation, they knew very little about Christianity and most of them simply overlooked the actual Christian character of the civilization into which they assimilated. Thus it could happen that the stupid and dangerous saying of the return of the’ Dark Middle Ages’ to the Hitler movement was widely spread by Jews in particular. [2]

From a German-racist point of view, the so-called Jewish question would have been solved by itself, but from a Jewish-racist point of view, the catastrophe of normalization threatened to happen, namely the non-continuing of peculiarity, isolation, foreignness to the 99.0% other inhabitants of Germany by an assimilation demonized as perdition. In 1911, the Jewish researcher of population Theilhaber had calculated the community formation of persons of Jewish origin in Germany with persons of Non-Jewish origin by marriage to Non-Jewish persons and by leaving the Jewish church community and had demonized them as “the perdition of the German Jews”. There will be no more Jews in Germany in the year 2000, because the German Jews will no longer be racial conscious. [3]

Persons of Jewish origin in Germany were no longer complying with racist commandments of the Jewish religion. In the book of Ezra, chapters 9 and 10, the prophet Ezra, in the name of Yahweh, orders the Israelites to marry exclusively Jewish and to expel Non-Jewish wives and their children. The statistician Heinrich Silbergleit formulated in 1930, from his “Jewish” point of view, a justification for the realisation of the NSDAP’s programme, which he did not cite. “Felix A. Theilhaber announced the perdition of German Jews more than 20 years ago. And yet, the statistical situation was, […] a rather tense one, even at that time. Since then, it has become even more acute as a result of the escalating, somewhat endemic and additional birth crisis of the war years. . […] What seems to us to be of the essence, that is […] the restoration of the close connection with the old traditions in the area of population policy. However, we can hardly imagine that this would still be possible in the case of German Jews, but this is not meant to be the word for every renunciation of the policy of the effectiveness of the smaller (underlining by a.) means.” [4]

The NSDAP government’s laws forced the renewed separation of Jewish and Non-Jewish persons. In 1936, State Secretary Wilhelm Stuckart and Hans Globke of the Reichsinnenministerium pointed out this common objective: “The German people wish to preserve their blood and culture pure and proper, as the Jews have set out since the Prophet Ezra for their people as a demand […].”[5] Julius Streicher, Gauleiter in Franken and publisher of the “Der Stürmer” said in the trial of Nuremberg 1946: “Jewish law was our model[6]. In view of the numerical ratios, there were no Non-Jewish im”puri”ties increasing.

  • Leading figures in national socialism, disguised themselves as Non-Jewish (see Bankers over Swastika), namely Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Heß, Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Martin Bormann, Wilhelm Funk, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Paul Joseph Goebbels, Richard Glücks, Arnolt Bronnen, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann, Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, Ernst Sedgewick Hanfstaengl, Kurt Freiherr von Schröder, Alfred Rosenberg, Franz Pfeffer von Salomon, Gregor Strasser, Otto Strasser, Wilhelm Canaris, Robert Ley, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Emil Maurice, Baldur von Schirach, Klaus Barbie, Heinrich Müller, Erhard Milch, Julius Streicher, Fritz Brandt, Odilo Globocnik, Wilhelm Jordan, Wilhelm Kube, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, Emil Georg Ritter von Stauss, Johann von Stein. Others, such as Karl Haushofer, pretended that their wives were Non-Jewish [7].
  • In a letter to chancellery head Martin Bormann dated December 13, 1940, Kurt Mayer, head of the Reichssippenamt (Reich Office of Genealogy), remarked that it “was not possible to establish exactly (sic, a.) how high the proportion of NSDAP members with a Jewish background” actually was. “It is positively horrendous to observe what uncontrollable rulings the party has passed up to this day, especially as their legal effect has rendered them irreversible[8].

In 1942, Martin Bormann announced that half-breed Jews would be given equality with persons of German blood if, for example, “a half-breed Jew […], without having known of his mixed origins, worked for the party for many years during the period of struggle[9].

“Half-breed” Jewish persons were significantly involved in the development of the NSDAP in the 1920s. Their involvement was so “positive[10] that the interest of people of Jewish origin in the Hitler dictatorship would at the latest have become visible when enforcing the Nuremberg laws, due to the disempowerment and forced emigration (at least) of a large number of leading NSDAP members.

Hitler hid the participation of Jewish persons in the NSDAP with the help of blood transforms. The most prominent members in particular, for example Hermann Wilhelm Göring, his brother Albert, his wife Emmy Sonnemann, Martin Bormann, Wilhelm Canaris, Gerhard Engel, Karl Dönitz, Paul Joseph Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Albert Kesselring, Erich Raeder, Fritz Sauckel, Baldur von Schirach, Adolf Eichmann, and Heinrich Himmler, took care along with Hitler to transform Jewish blood[11].

9,636 Jewish members of the NSDAP requested their blood-transformation. Between 1935 and the beginning of 1941, Hitler declared 260 of this multitude of “prominent, deserving party fighters, high party functionaries, mainly illegitimate children”[12] from Jewish to be German blood[13]. In Berlin, 1,300 Jewish people were made honorary Aryans.

Aircraft manufacturer Ernst Heinrich Heinkel let himself to be declared as German blooded. On July 23, 1937, Arthur Imhausen, proprietor of the Imhausen chemical company in Witten, was declared by Hitler to be a German-blooded entrepreneur. The proprietors of chemical companies Freudenberg & Co., Weinheim, Richard Freudenberg, and of Th. Goldschmidt AG, Essen, Bernhard Goldschmidt, also let themselves be blood-transformed and became „Wehrwirtschaftsführer” responsible for the production of war materials. Albrecht Wertheim, grandson of department store founder Abraham Wertheim, Berlin, had himself declared a German-blooded officer in 1939[14]. In 1939, the members of the Wittgenstein banking family in Vienna also had themselves declared of German blood. Despite his origins, Friedrich Mandl, Austria’s most important arms manufacturer, joined the NSDAP as a German-blooded member and supplied arms for Hitler’s war.

Hitler implemented one carefully selected change of origin in September 1939 after the occupation of West Poland. Major Ernst Ferdinand Benjamin Bloch, son of the Jewish doctor Dr. med. Oskar Bloch, was declared by him to be a German-blooded officer for the period until the end of the war. Ernst Bloch had been a Reichswehr officer since 1919. In 1935, he was put in charge of the business department of the “Abwehr”, the military intelligence agency led by Wilhelm Canaris.

In September 1939, Bloch was sent to Warsaw as the head of a group of four Jewish members of the Wehrmacht. In December 1939, he escorted the most important priestly leader of the Hasidic Jewish persons, “Lubavicher Rebbe” Joseph Isaak Schneersohn, from Warsaw to Berlin for one week, then back to Warsaw, then on to Kovno, and then to Riga for his emigration to New York via Sweden (cf. chapter on Auschwitz).

In the Netherlands, six out of 12 Jewish leading functionaries of the national socialist NSB were declared Aryan. NSB leader Anton Mussert was Jewish, as were Max Blokzijl, in charge of propaganda, and the head of the educational department. They were among the 47 Jewish persons in the Netherlands who had been granted written exemption from discrimination. Others were waved through, e.g. on Göring’s orders[15].

“Five Jewish persons were among the founders of fascism in Italy in March 1919, and Mussolini’s closest advisers included several Jewish persons”[16]. Mussolini’s finance ministers were the Jewish persons Guido Jung and Giuseppe Volpi. His biographer Marghereti G. Sarfatti, Ivo Levi, and the Banca Commerciale banker Toeplitz all came from Jewish backgrounds.

Sir Oswald Mosley, “kosher fascist” from a Jewish background, friend of Lord Rothermere, first a Conservative then later a Labour minister, became the founder of the British Union of Fascists. This organization’s propaganda minister John Beckett and leading members Bill Leaper, Harald Sorett and Albert Lynden were Jewish in origin, and incited a hatred of Jewish persons in Britain that facilitated the massacre of millions of Jewish persons in Eastern Europe despite the Balfour Declaration and the space available for settlement in countries such as Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and Britain itself.

Almost all the leaders, including Ante Pavelić, who led the Ustaše, the Croatian fascist party which tortured and murdered Jewish persons, were married to Jewish wives[17]. Croatia’s ambassador to Hungary and Italy was the Jewish person Alexander Klein.[18]

In France too, the German government declared a number of Jewish people Non-Jewish and gave them (relatively speaking) preferential treatment. These were appointed to important positions after the war: bacteriologist Robert Debre and his son Michel Debre among them. Michel Debre became Minister of Justice, Prime Minister (1959 – 1962), Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Defense[19]. Jacques Rueff, Vice-President of the Banc de France from 1940 to 1978, received certification granting him equivalent status with Aryans.

The massacre of hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian Jewish persons (“Falasha”) by toxic gas between 1935 and 1941 was largely carried out by the Jewish dominated British secret service MI6 with the help of Mussolini.

The Alevi massacres in Dersin, Turkey, between 1937 – 1939 were masterminded by the Jewish Kemal Pasha Atatürk and his military commanders, most of whom were Alevis.

In 1994, Paul Kagame, the Jewish President of Rwanda, saw the massacre of 800,000 “Tutsis” (Jewish in origin) and “Hutus”. However, after being educated in the USA, he succeeded in bringing the surviving Tutsis to power.

[1] Taylor AJP. Beaverbrook. London 1972:322. Quoted in Pool J+S. Who financed Hitler? London 1978:274,444

[2] Arendt H. Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft. Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart 1955:10

[3] Theilhaber, FA. Der Untergang der deutschen Juden. Munich 1911:93. Cited in Rigg B. Hitlers jüdische Soldaten. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003:66, 428

[4] Silbergleit H. Die Bevölkerungs- und Berufsverhältnisse der Juden im Deutschen Reich, Berlin 1930:67

[5] Rigg B. Hitlers jüdische Soldaten. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003:136, 368

[6] Ostrovsky N. The Temple of the Beast. Moscow, 2001:120

[7] Bronder D. Bevor Hitler kam. Geneva 1975, 2nd edition: 211; with additions by the author. || Hitler, Hess, Göring, von Ribbentrop, Funk, Ley, Rosenberg, and Goebbels were patients of Dr. med. Theo Morell. || Many historians and “anti-Fascists” attach great importance to the non-Jewish origins of the leading members of the Nazi party. But why should non-Jewish people be more evil than Jewish people?

[8] Schulle D. Das Reichssippenamt: eine Institution nationalsozialistischer Rassenpolitik. Logos-Verlag, Berlin 2001:338-9

[9] PA/AA, Inl Hg/174, MI 86 cited in Meyer W. Unternehmen Sieben. Eine Rettungsaktion. Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Anton Hain GmbH, 1993:114/487

[10] Hans Heinrich Lammers, Secretary of State and Chief of the Reich Chancellery in a letter to the highest officers in the Reich dated July 20, 1942, National Archives. War Crimes, RG 238. NG Series (Microfim T-1139), R 48/1096 NG-4819. Cited by Breitman, Himmler:306.

[11] Rigg B. Hitlers jüdische Soldaten. Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2003

[12] Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Mar. 10, 1999:N5

[13] Steiner JM. Freiherr von Cornberg J. Willkür in der Willkür. Befreiungen von den antisemitischen Nürnberger Gesetzen. Vierteljahrschrift für Zeitgeschichte 1998, vol. 46 issue 2. Munich 1998.

[14] Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Jan. 12, 1998:16

[15] Abrams A. Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985:149 – 151. Under German occupation, the claim that one’s grandparents had been members of the Synodale Kerk (“Synodal Church”) was a way to escape deportation. However, there was no church of this name.

[16] Michaelis M. Mussolini and the Jews. Oxford 1978:10-11, 14-15, 24-25, 30, 58-65, cited in Black:62, 392

[17] Levin:514-516, cited in Abrams A. Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985:168, 238

[18] Hilberg:457, cited in Abrams A. Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985:169, 238

[19] Abrams A. Special Treatment: The Untold Story of Hitler’s Third Race. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1985:136–141, 231–2)