Slaves were a legitimate part of the Israelite power structures[1]. The enslavement by violence of large numbers of men and women of all ages is expressly provided for in Jewish and Christian[2] religious law[3]. The slave trade was legal. In contrast, the abduction and theft of people who were already slaves was punishable by death[4]. Jewish slaves were freed after no more than seven years. Jewish and Non-Jewish person slaves were freed every jubilee year[5].
At the time of the Seleucid Empire (200 BC to 60 BC), the slave trade was an important source of income for Jewish people in Palestine[6]. During Herod’s reign in Palestine (37 BC – 4 BC), Rome was home to 50,000 Jewish people: merchants, landowners, physicians, jurists, craftsmen, hawkers, and beggars[7]. The merchants sold slaves[8]. Hundreds of thousands of slaves belonging to Jewish colonizers[9] were recruited into the Jewish religious group known as the Nazarenes (“early Christians”). Most of them were murdered: the world’s Jewish population fell from 5.5 million to 1 million by AD 350[10]. The corpses of 3 million people are stored in the catacombs around Rome; these are 600 miles long and in some places three storeys high. During the Middle Ages, bones from 13 Jewish-only and later from 53 Judeo-Christian enclaves were “removed from their graves and sold in all quarters of the world as […] relics of Christian martyrs. For centuries, the trade in relics from the catacombs was Rome’s most important source of income”[11].
The graves in the catacombs were and probably still are reservoirs of pathogens. The markings indicate the type of pathogen: the thousands of “orantes” with their hands raised in the air probably refer to substances used for enslavement, as do doves, pelicans, and anchors. Palms and thousands of “Jonases” being regurgitated by sea serpents may indicate stimulants used to improve male fertility, while peacocks/grapes might refer to substances that induce hysteria. Lambs probably mark retroviruses that cause scrapie. Fish indicate substances that can spread in water, e.g. Aspergillus flavus or mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis and leprosy, while olive branches denote lipophilic substances, and phoenixes mark fire-resistant mycotoxins/trichothecenes that trigger various changes in the immune system.
Who had control of these biological weapons was world power.
The rule that slaves had to be freed every jubilee year was compatible with Emperor Constantine’s law prohibiting Jewish persons from “owning slaves who could have become Jews”[12]. However, a number of Jewish people were still engaging in the slave trade in medieval times (500 – 1500 – author’s note). “Jews were among the most important slave dealers in European society”[13]. “The principal purchasers of slaves were found among the Jews […] They seemed to be always and everywhere at hand to buy, and to have the means equally ready to pay”[14].
In 492, Pope Gelasius authorized the Jewish persons to enslave non-Christians in France and take them to Italy[15].
The third and fourth Councils of Orleans (538 and 541), the Council of Paris (633), the Council of Toledo (633), and the synods of Szaboles (1092), Ghent (1112), Beziers (1226), and Narbonne (1227) banned Jewish slave traders from selling Christian slaves but allowed them to sell non-Christians.
“At the time of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604), Jews had become the chief traders in this class of traffic” (the slave trade – author’s note)[16]. In the Frankish Empire, which was officially Roman Catholic, Jewish persons were allowed to own heathens and Christians as slaves and to abduct them for slavery. “Gregory (Pope Gregory I – author’s note) was appalled by this and wrote to the rulers of that time, Theoderich (Dietrich) of Burgundy, Theodebert (Dietbert) of Austrasia, and Queen Brunhilde, expressing his surprise that they could allow the Jews to own Christian slaves”[17]. It was not human slavery that he criticized, but only the possession of Christian slaves. Jewish slave traders transported Christian and heathen slaves from Gaul to Naples, from where they were sold to the Near East[18]. These abductions under the influence of mind-altering substances were later disguised to some extent as “Children’s Crusades”.
Medieval Jewish persons “regarded the Slavic East as the land of slaves par excellence […]”[19].
Jewish “Khazars” in Eastern Europe, Southern Russia (c. 4th to 10th century), Jewish “Rus”, “Karaits”, “Rabbanits”, “Romaniots”, “Krymchaks”, engaged in a lively rape trade in slaves from Eastern Europe. In Istanbul exclusively 2,000 Jewish persons had the monopoly of trading slaves.[20] Vandals, Goths, Rugians, Gepids, Scirians, Lombards, Wagrians, and Saxons were all granted to the Jewish persons by the rulers of the Christian church and state to securing their monopoly of the slave trade. Jewish “Normans”, “Danes”, “Jutes”, “Godens”, “Vikings” in northern France, Denmark, England, Scotland, Northern Europe murdered countless people and enslaved countless more. The CCR5 gene with 32bp deletion, the enslavement gene (cf. “Jewish Ritual Circumcision”), is now more common in these regions.
Lyon, France, was a Jewish mercantile center for the sale of Germanic slaves to the Mediterranean[21] as well as Verdun and Narbonne. “Between the sixth and tenth centuries, the slave trade was monopolized by Iberian Jewish persons known as Radhanites”[22].
Charlemagne confirmed the Jewish merchants’ monopoly on slavery and the sale of heathens. Long-distance trade in Carolingian times was also solely the province of the Jewish persons. At that time, large numbers of slaves were sold from Europe to North Africa[23]. In 845, when Jewish traders abducted priests and deacons of the “slave apostle” Methoel and transported them to Venice for sale, those involved protested to the bishops assembled at the Council of Meaux[24].
King Louis the Pious of France (778 – 840) guaranteed the Jewish persons the right to trade heathen slaves in his kingdom.
Bishop Agobard of Lyon (769 – 840) testified that the Jewish persons had acquired the privilege to trade heathen slaves, although he protested against their trade in Christians.
In 870, the Persian geographer Ibn Khordadhbeh wrote, “Jewish long-distance traders […] bring eunuchs, slaves, boys, (emph. b.a.) silk (from the Rhone delta – author’s note), furs, and swords from the Occident”[25]. “The long-distance traders […] were Jews […] doing a flourishing trade in slaves, mostly Slavic in origin”[26]. The physician Abraham Ben Jacov, a Jewish slave trader from Córdoba, Andalusia, described for example how he started collecting slaves from central and eastern Europe in 960, how he visited Bohemia, Krakow, Prague, the Ore mountains, Sayda, Nienburg (Saale), Magdeburg, and Haithabu, how he sat on the Imperial Diet of Otto the Great in Quedlinburg in 973, and how he did business in Vineta, Mainz, Speyer, and Worms. Slaves were taken from Mecklenburg along the Amber Road, the „Hellweg”, to Verdun and Andalusia.
Jewish merchants sold slaves in Spain[27]. “The golden age of Jewry in Spain owed some of its wealth to an international network of Jewish slave traders. Bohemian (East German – author’s note) Jews purchased Slavonians and sold them to Spanish Jews for resale to the Moors”[28].
In 1414, the city of Heilbronn issued a letter of protection granting the Jewish persons certain privileges. These included the handling of slave transports in Heilbronn.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the slave trade in medieval Europe was solely the domain of Arab (not “Muslim” – author’s note) and Jewish traders[29].
The Jewish Encyclopedia[30] also describes the Jewish monopoly on the slave trade until c. 1100 under “Slave trade” and “Commerce”.
The Jewish domination of Portuguese trade meant that the Jewish persons were first and foremost among the groups active on the slave markets[31].
“[…] the slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities here (in Suriname – author’s note) as elsewhere in the colonies”[32]. “In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated”[33].
In 1696, Louis Gomez, son of Isaac Gomez, the financial advisor of King Philip IV of Spain, began exporting slaves to New York via Jamaica. “[…] trading sugar and slaves were common occupations of Jews in the Middle Ages”[34] (correct: in modern times – author’s note).
The “Jews in Brazil… played a leading role in the slave trade”[35].
In North America, Jewish traders such as Jacob Ottolengui, Ralph de Paas, H.H. de Loek, Abraham Mendes Seixas, Jacob Lumbrozo, Louis Gomez, brothers John and Philip Rosevelt, the Pereiras, the Jesurunes, the Oliveiras, and the Levys disguised themselves as subservient Christians[36] to abduct and sell people who had been robbed of their will.[37] In Amsterdam, they included the private traders Jacob Pereira, David Ximenes, Manuel de Belmonte (alias van Schoonenbergh), Simon de Souza, Luis de Souza, Antonio Alvares Machado (alias Anthony von Bijl), Marij de Gaeij, Gerrit van Leeuwen, Aegidius van den Bempden, Emanuel Alvares Pinto the van Bambeek family, and the Munter family[38], some of whom pretended to be Portuguese Christians. In 1694, 500 Jewish persons had 40 sugar plantations in Suriname that were worked by slaves. In 1730, 286 sugar plantations there were run by Christian slave owners and 115 by Jewish slave owners[39].
In 1830, Charleston, the capital of South Carolina and the USA’s main slave importer with a prison camp for slaves at Fort Sullivan (turnover: 200,000 people – author’s note), was home to the largest Jewish community in the USA (Wikipedia). In 1780, the largest Jewish group anywhere in the Americas (2,000 people) was located in Curacao, a major center of the slave trade[40].
The entry on the “Slave trade” in the „Handbuch des Antisemitismus” [“Handbook of Anti-Semitism”] notes: “After the Exodus from Egypt, the Jews – as far as we know – played no major role until the conquest of America by the slave trade. …In general, they were…excluded from the slave trade on all the (Caribbean) islands…unlike Christians, they were at times forbidden to keep slaves…”[41].
Alleged Reasons for the slave trade of Jewish persons
Jews were allegedly forced into the slave trade: “Jews who were frequently found at the heart of commerce could not have failed to contribute a proportionate share to the (slave) trade directly or indirectly. In 1460, when Jews were the masters of the nautical sciences in Portugal, that nation was importing 700-800 slaves yearly”[42]. “They dealt in slaves, as was the necessity of the time […]”[43]. “Ancient and medieval society could not function without slaves, and because of their extensive connections, the Jews were the best intermediaries for this appalling yet at that time by no means dishonorable branch of commerce”[44]. “ Jews were large-scale slave traders, being well-qualified culturally to act as intermediaries between the Christian and Muslim civilizations, and ultimately what made the slave trade lucrative in the northern world … Was the inexhaustible demand for slaves in the Muslim world”[45].
“Selling people into slavery has a dreadful sound, but in those days it was not quite so dreadful a thing, nor even so avoidable a one, as it would be in these”[46].
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia says that the Jewish persons were “especially adapted” to the slave trade because of their knowledge of languages[47].
Modern Times Murders and Abductions of people in Africa, America, Asia and Australia
After Christopher Columbus arrived in Haiti, people were abducted in America and sent to Spain. They were already being sold in Seville in 1495.
Over the next 400 years, more than 100 million “Indians” in North and Central America were killed, mainly by disease[48]. To America, approximately 10 million living people were abducted from Africa[49].
To Africa (Cape Colony), where the people in the south, the San/Bushmen, were decimated to such a degree that the Dutch conquerors led by Jan van Riebeck were able to claim that the country was empty on their arrival, 300,000 persons from India were abducted and transported to Kenya and Tanzania.
Jan Pieterszoon Coen (born and baptized on January 8, 1587, died in 1629, “said to have been Jewish in origin”[50]) was the founder of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. As “the worst butcher of the VOC”, he depopulated the Malukan islands of Banda and Ambon by murdering thousands of inhabitants, and subsequently had the spice plantations worked by slaves abducted from other islands.
European persons weakened and killed the people of the Easter Islands with biological weapons before enslaving the survivors[51].
The 3 million inhabitants of Australia and Tasmania were almost all killed by disease. From the 19th century until the beginning of the 20th, inhabitants of the South Sea Islands were enslaved and sent to Australia, where they were murdered some time later or, from 1901, deported again[52].
Most of the population of Hawaii was killed by disease[53].
Note: This is an excerpt from the book “The Jubilee Murders – Originators and Methods of Mass Murders”. This book can you buy in shop.
[1] Genesis 17:13, 27; Sirach 33:25-30; Exodus 22:3; Exodus 31:2-6; Leviticus 25:39; Leviticus 25:47-55; Exodus 21:7-11.
[2] Jewish Christians also pursued these activities and generated sales for the slave dealers. The Council held under Pope Martin I (650) announced that people who worked to free slaves would be excommunicated.
The Corpus Juris Canonis, which became church law in 1226 under Pope Gregory IX, declared that slavery was legal.
In 1445, Pope Nicholas V authorized the King of Portugal to enslave all heathen and Muslim people (but not the Jewish persons – author’s note).
The Popes criticized the excesses of the slave trade, yet on June 20, 1866, the Holy Office declared that slavery was legal, a statement confirmed by Pope Leo XIII as late as 1888 (Maxwell JF. The Development of the Catholic Doctrine Concerning Slavery. World Jurist 11, 1969-70:147-92, 291-324).
[3] Deuteronomy 20:11-14
[4] Exodus 21:16
[5] Exodus 21:2-6; Leviticus 25:8-17, 39-55; Deuteronomy 15:12-15
[6]Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:25
[7] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:29
[8] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:36
[9] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:31
[10] Barnavi E. Historical Atlas of the Jewish People. New York 1992:XII-XIII
[11] Internet. Stadtführung in Rom und Umgebung. Jüdische Katakombe. Apr 7, 2015
[12] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:35
[13] Grayzel S. A History of the Jews. Philadelphia, 1948:312, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:9
[14] Magnus L. Outlines of Jewish History. Revised by M. Friedlander. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1890:107, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:9
[15] Wikipedia
[16] Jewish Encyclopedy, Vol 11, New York 1905-1916:402
[17] Graetz H. Geschichte der Juden. Vol. 5, Magdeburg 1860
[18] Bachrach BS. Early Medieval Jewish Policy in Western Europe. Wisconsin 1977
[19] Baron SW, Kahan A. Economic History of the Jewish People. New York 1975:271; Encyclopaedia Judaica. Vol. 14 1661-2, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:18. Until 1863, most of the Russian population were slaves (serfs) to the 13 Grand Dukes.
[20] Kömürcüan EC. Istanbul tarihic XVII asirda Istanbul. Istanbul 1952:62. || Andreasyan HD. Polonyali Simeon un seyahatnamesi. Istanbul 1964:9 || Erst N. Die ersten Einfälle der Krymtataren in Südrussland. Z.f. osteur. Geschichte 1932:52 || Verlinden. L’Esclavage:850. Zitiert von Fisher A. 1972:584
[21] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:132
[22] Slavery in medieval Europe. Wikipedia June 27, 2011
[23] McCornick M. New light on the dark ages: How the slave trade fuelled the Carolingian economy. In Past and Present, Vol. 177, 1. Oxford 2002
[24] McCornick M. New light on the dark ages: How the slave trade fuelled the Carolingian economy. In Past and Present, Vol 177, 1. Oxford 2002
[25] Wir machen Geschichte:126. || Wikipedia. Radhanite. May 9, 2011
[26] Wir machen Geschichte:139
[27] Thorwald J. Das Gewürz. Die Saga der Juden in Amerika. Munich: Droemer Knaur Verlag Schoeller & Co., 1978:36
[28] Feuerlicht RS. The Fate of the Jews. New York, 1983:39, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:11
[29] Cluse:1
[30] Internet
[31] Marcus JR. The Colonial American Jew: 1492 – 1776. Detroit 1970:96-97, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:20 || Must be properly substantiated: because the Jewish community had control of the extremely lucrative slave markets, they also came to assume control of Portuguese trade (author’s note).
[32] Bloom IH. The Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam. New York, 1937 […] cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:40
[33] Raphael ML. Jews and Judaism in the United States. New York, 1983:14, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:19
[34] Cairo Genizah Records, cited in Baron SW, Kahn A, ed. Economic History of the Jews, New York, 1975:189, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:18
[35] Arnold Wiznitzer: Juden im kolonialen Brasilien, cited by David Mills. “Wie Schwarze in Amerika den Haß gegen eine Minderheit zu schüren versuchen”. Internet.
[36] Although members of the families in Portugal and Spain ceased practising Judaism from 1493 onwards and turned to Christianity, Christian descendents of these Jewish forebears, e.g. Aaron Lopez, Jacob Rodriguez, and members of the Levy, Isaac, Polock, Elizer, and Gomez families, returned to the practice of Jewish rites after settling in America 200 years later. This false profession of the Christian faith, which continued for 8 generations, ist justified in similar cases with the proverb “Blood is thicker than water”, i.e. inborn physical attributes are allegedly more important than education, the water of Christian baptism. Heinrich Heine, Karl Marx, Felix Mendelsohn-Bartholdy, other descendents of Moses Mendelssohn, the families of Baron von Oppenheim, Wittgenstein, Wolff, von Weinberg, von Schröder, Gutmann, and Benjamin Disraeli, for example, were all Jewish despite having converted to Christianity.
[37] Donnan E. Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America, Washington D.C. 1930
[38] Paesie:134-27
[39] Paesie R. Lorrendrayen . Amsterdam 2008:126
[40] Handbuch des Antisemitismus, vol. 1:44/45
[41] Benz W, ed. Handbuch des Antisemitismus, incl. Dillmann HU. Sklavenhandel. Berlin 2011:384-5
[42] Feingold HL. Zion in America: The Jewish Experience, New York, 1974:42-43, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:9 || This is like claiming that the Jewish persons had to sell silk because they sold slaves.
[43] Magnus:152, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:9
[44] Graetz H. Geschichte der Juden. Vol. V Magdeburg 1860
[45] Mayr-Harting H. The church of Magdeburg. Its trade and its town in the tenth and early eleventh centuries, in Abulafia D. ed. Magdeburg, Church and City 1000 – 1500. Cambridge 2002
[46] Magnus:106, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:10
[47] Landmann I. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: 1939-43,Vol 9:565, cited in The Nation of Islam. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Chicago, 1991:9-10
[48] Stannard DE. American Holocaust: the Conquest of the World. New York 1993. ||
60 million bison were slaughtered here between 1868 and 1895; only 1,000 survived. The near-extinction of these animals indicates the capacity for killing that the European strategists had at their disposal.
[49] Joseph E. Inikory (cited in Olivier Petre-Grenouilleau. Les traintes negrieres. Paris, 2004:384), in “Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England”, quotes a figure of 12,700,000 slaves sold to America. Curtin mentions 9,500,000.
[50] Jewish Encyclopedia. Coen, Jan Pieterszoon
[51] Hinweise: Peiser E. From Genocide to Ecocide. The Rape of Rapa Nui. Energ & Envir 16,3&4;2005
[52] Vergessene Sklaven aus der Südsee. Erwachet! January 2009:24-25
[53] 16.8% CCR5 32bp deletion among “Caucasians” there [Lu Y 1999]